Archives for posts with tag: tucson wildlife

These three birds squawked at the Rattler changing it’s course away from their eggs. They followed it alerting everyone till it was gone.

Cactus Wren and Gambel's Quail Couple Corral Rattlesnake


Ladder-backed Woodpecker

A worm and an insect, the perfect combination for this growing Cactus Wren. The baby bird is about as big as the parent, so it is hard to tell which is which till they start flapping their wings and chirping for food.

cactus wrens eating 2-imp cactus wrens eating-imp

Sharing the Quail block.Image

This Mourning Dove was just sitting and watching the Harris Squirrel eat. The squirrel lives right outside the fence, in the ground.

Harris Squirrel and female Gambel’s Quail sharing a meal in the backyard.