Archives for posts with tag: desert nature

This is a hard bird to get a picture of. They don’t come in for regular bird feeding, but like to hang out on high trees and branches. Their under feathers have white on them.

I always see them on the grounds of DeGrazia’s Gallery here in Tucson. This photograph shows how the gardeners there have taken the Century Plant stalks, after the plants die, and put them against the fence. The Phainopepla love them.

Ted DeGrazia’s gravesite in Tucson Arizona, on the grounds of the Gallery In the Sun.

These two male Gambel’s Quail went at it off and on for over an hour. The other birds just kept right on eating. They are territorial, but usually allow each other space. Not today!

Harris Squirrel and female Gambel’s Quail sharing a meal in the backyard.